Author: V2V



Invalid Displayed Gallery Very catholic, people do not use any contraception. Women often have 10 or 13 kids to care for and most of the time with different fathers. These women have to work to feed their children and sometimes grandchildren. Because of the demographic boom, construction projects are underway everywhere. Sand is much needed.

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The Rohingyas plight in Myanmar

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Rohingya people: the most persecuted refugees in the world Imagine you were denied an identity or a place to call home. Your rights to study, work, travel, marry and practice your religion didn’t exist – because you belong nowhere. You’re not given any way to prove who you are or where you’re from, which restricts

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  J’ai choisi un métier qui m’oblige à aller dans des endroits où vous ne pouvez pas aller. Je suis photoreporter.  Je parcours le monde, surtout les zones de conflit. Mon métier, c’est de vous faire voir des choses que vous n’avez pas toujours envie de voir.  Paradoxalement, mon métier, c’est de vous faire voir le

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